Facilitators Are Not Magicians Pulling Results Out of a Hat (Facilitation Friday #53)
Those under this illusion need to understand we don't have tricks up our sleeves that can 100% guarantee success.
“So you can guarantee we will have a strategic plan completed at the end of the session.”
I paused momentarily, looking at the two association executives interested in having me facilitating their strategic planning process. As I thought about their statement, I tried to recall how I might have responded to it much earlier in my career.
20+ years of facilitating had taught me the only truthful reply was this:
“No. Regretfully, I cannot.”
Much as one expects to hear “fine” when asking others how they are doing, I don’t think my reply initially registered with them as they nodded somewhat enthusiastically, almost as if on autopilot. But as their expressions slowly shifted to incredulousness and concern, I knew I had been heard.
“Wait. You’re saying you can’t guarantee what we will have done by the end of the session? How can that be? I mean, why would we want to hire you if we can’t be sure what will happen?”
I assured them their inquiry was neither unexpected nor uncommon, replying that “Investing in a facilitated process of any kind is a major commitment, both for the client and the consultant or facilitator. Knowing it will produce the desired end result is a logical expectation.”
“Yes, it is. That’s why we need a guarantee for the final outcome.”
I knew that my personality and approach would be a good fit with this organization; the mission, vision, and core values resonated with me; and I wanted to do the work for them. So I did something I normally do not do and offered them this:
“I do not normally do this, but I will guarantee we will have a plan completed at the end of the session if you will guarantee me that:
All participants in the actual planning process will answer the advance surveys by the deadlines specified and complete the necessary pre-work so that we can maximize the limited face-to-face session time and any virtual conversations.
I will have unfettered and timely access to the people and information I need to really understand the culture of your organization and how this planning process and the work we do fits within in it.
All participants will be present and engaged for the full in-person session, doing whatever advance planning is required to focus exclusively on our work and not be making calls or checking email except in genuine emergency situations.
The group’s members already possess the level of trust in and knowledge about each other that our strategic conversations and decisions require or they will act towards each other with generosity and open-mindedness if they do not.
Purpose and principles will drive our discussions and decisions, not politics or personalities and that I have permission to call attention to the latter when I think it is occurring.
Participants will not sabotage the discussions by acting on potentially problematic hidden agendas. They will respond honestly when at the session’s onset I ask everyone to share any vested interests they have in our work and any deeply held beliefs or biases they bring to it.
You understand producing a finished plan requires decisions to be made, not just discussions to occur. Therefore, all staff and all of the session participants will maintain a bias for action throughout the process. In particular, this means during the session we will not expend excess attention or time on wordsmithing the perfect language, opting instead for a standard of good enough for now.
We collectively agree the process and the in-person session will be messy at times, that this is normal and not cause for concern, and that we work collaboratively through the mess by surfacing what seems to be happening in the moment and how we can best respond.”
As you might expect, I had stunned them into silence.
We sat in it for a minute or two as they absorbed what I had just outlined.
So what you’re saying is …
I rarely interrupt, but I cut them off:
“What I am saying is that success depends on everyone, not just me. You can never outsource ownership of the outcome. Holding me accountable for my contributions must be matched by holding all other players accountable for theirs, including yourselves.
“My work is managing the group process and making it easier for all of you do the necessary strategic work. Whether or not we complete it cannot be my responsibility alone. That said, the vast majority of these processes do produce a plan as envisioned, but I cannot guarantee that. Facilitators are not magicians.”
You might be wondering whether or not I was hired to facilitate. I was, but not before a bit more back and forth codifying expectations for the process, my role and contributions, participant commitments, and their responsibilities as the client contacts.
Whether you are facilitating a meeting of colleagues or a workshop at a professional conference, negotiating and managing expectations—in advance and in real-time—is an important part of our efforts. We must develop shared agreements that make it easier for participants to understand their roles and responsibilities for success and to hold themselves—and each other—accountable for them.
Bottom Line
As facilitator, be wary of offering a 100% guaranteed about what you can get a group of human beings to accomplish; as participant, be a bit skeptical about those who do. Any facilitator “magic” results fully preparing to provide authentic group process leadership during meetings and workshops … and challenging and supporting participants to make their own facilitative contributions.
Getting in Action
Review the list of guarantees and commitments. How might you modify it for your own facilitation purposes?
Identify how you might better manage expectations from participants or those who bring you in to facilitate … in discussions before agreeing to facilitate, in advance communications to all involved, in real-time during sessions.
Imagine a conversation with a participant or client who tries to project unrealistic expectations on you and your facilitation. Play it forward. How would you respond and negotiate a better understanding of your role and responsibility?
© Facilitate Better and Jeffrey Cufaude. All rights reserved.
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I really love how you laid this out for them. Respectful, but firm. Clearly made them realize the participants play a primary role in the outcome. I am flagging this for future reference! Jo
Spot on Jeff! I am sure they were stunned silent.